Okay, what a fun day in the relm of homeschooling. Today we 'exercised' in the pool. It is amazing the journey the girls have taken in the way of water abilities and attitudes since late Spring time 2010. I am so proud of all of them. They have proven to themselves that they can learn to swim, enjoy jumping in, and being splashed (which would have been a pure crime in the eyes of my eldest, who is 5, just a few short months ago). After a morning of this, we then ventured to Hershey Park for the evening.
Once again, fears of the unknown were shattered. Roller coasters were riden, heights were conquered, and pure joy was experienced. We had so much fun together as a family. My only regret is I did not bring my camera to capture these vivid moments, as I always do. They will have to remain memories. The girls did so well tonight, they made us very proud parents.